My Babies

My Babies
Mia (brown) and Lilly (black and white) pose for a picture

About Me

Photo by Debbie Mahurin

My name is Alesha Mahurin. I'm twenty-two years old and one day you will see my name in big, bold letters.

I grew up in a small town in Missouri and still live here. I graduated high school in 2009 and started college at Mineral Area College the following fall. I was top ten percent from grades 6-12 and I was in both FCCLA and National Honor Society. I was the treasurer of my high school Concert Choir as well.

I started out wanting to be a nurse. I took the classes I thought I needed but had some hiccups along the way. I experienced two big breakups, ironically with the same person. I know it sounds stupid, but I really was in love and it crushed me. I stopped caring about all my classes and thought 'to hell with it.' I gave up and dropped out one semester and flunked out another.

Once I got my head on straight I tried again for the nursing program. When I met with my adviser I was practically told that I didn't have a fighting chance of getting in unless I aced my next few semesters. So I decided to give that up and switch majors. I was only doing it for the money and comfy scrubs. I got my CNA license in 2008 and quickly decided I loved the scrubs but hated the work. Like I said, I was only in it for the money. So I moved on.

In 2010 I moved to St. Louis with my boyfriend, Chadwick, and started beauty school at Xenon International Academy. I thought I was crazy, having gone from wanting to be a nurse to now doing beauty school but much to my surprise, multiple girls in my class had a similar story.

I loved the program I was in, Esthetics, but absolutely despised some of my teachers. The school itself was very poorly executed but overall I had a lot of fun, met some amazing friends I still keep in touch with, and have a nice shiny Esthetics license to show. I graduated with the highest GPA and focused mostly on makeup while I was there. I was always doing something funky with mine and a of makeup clients were sent my way. I didn't complain.

I graduated the program in 2011, six quick months after enrolling, and did a little waxing on the side to make some cash. I couldn't find a job at a Spa in my hometown, where I moved back after I graduated, so I decided to try the nursing thing again.

Didn't work. So I switched to business administration instead. I thought I wanted to run my own miniature Spa. It sounded like a great idea and I had a lot of support. However, the classes were boring and I didn't have the money to invest in a business at my age. So I gave that up as well.

I thought I was never going to get my stuff together but after taking an English Comp 2 class with an amazing teacher and a Poetry and the Human Experience class with another, I quickly realized I was falling back to my childhood ambition to be in the arts.

I was constantly reading and writing when I was little. I used to write short stories about talking animals and kids in school. I always had a book with me and was reading on a 12th grade level when I was in the second grade. I loved every minute of it and it found its way back to me. I had two poems published in middle school, one state wide and one nation, and I won a few essay contests along the way.

So I decided I wanted to be an editor. I wanted to work at a publishing house someday. I still write and am currently working on a novel, my first, that I hope to one day publish. I'm a beta reader for a few people and I love it.

My friends and I started a review group one day. We decided we wanted to get ourselves noticed. They, too, write and love reading as much as I. We started our group, A Thousand Lives Reviews, and have gotten enormous support with it. It's quite exciting!

Photo by Angel Young Photography
So that's my academic career. On a more personal level, I'm really just your average girl. I've been with my
boyfriend Chadwick for four years now and ironically he's the guy who caused my problems in college. We've been through so much and he's such an amazing guy. He's like my other half and I know that no matter what, at the end of every day, he's one of my biggest fans. I love him almost as much as I love my books. :)

I have two other loves besides my family. My two dogs, my babies. Lilly is a three year old Shih Tzu
weighing all of nine pounds. She was the first dog I had ever bought and I haven't regretted it in the slightest. She's amazing and she's one of my children. She's so human-like and has such a big personality, everyone that meets her instantly falls in love.

Mia is a two month old Lhasa Apsa/Chihuahua mix and is the complete opposite of my Lilly. She's rambunctious, into everything and chews on anything she can get her hands on.She tries to be sweet but I thinks he's just too much of a puppy right now!

So that's a little bit about me. You'll learn more as you follow me on my journey to becoming a famous publisher and maybe even writer one day.

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