Sadly I have not been keeping up with my blog as of late due to multiple reasons. I have no purpose for this post other than to rant about the happenings of late.
First of all, I absolutely hate my job. I do not get paid enough to deal with the stupid bull shit that I do. It's ridiculous. The customers are rude nine times out of ten, the people I work with tend to be dense and just duhhhh and I always find myself in a sour mood from the time I clock in or developing a mysterious headache just as my shift starts. Coincidence? I think not. I really need to find something that's going to work around a five month school schedule until I can graduate and move on.
Speaking of school, I started my last semester at college today in hopes of finally acquiring my Associates. The classes don't seem too bad and having a partner in crime for two of them makes them less painstaking. I have Earth Science with a lab, College Algebra, Creative Non-Fiction and a wellness class. (I would've already had that done but I'm incredibly lazy and kept dropping it all the other semesters I attempted it.) Nevertheless, I will be FINISHED this December and can then find a REAL job...not some minimum wage scraper that barely pays my bills and leaves me feeling unappreciated, underrepresented and always wanting more out of it that I know I'll never get. I'm ready to finally start a career, not a job. I've had jobs. I want the big time damn it. I'm ready to make a name and future for not only myself, but for Chad and I. It would be nice to finally start a trek towards our future together and know that I'm stable enough to support such a venture...instead of worrying how I'm going to pay my car payment AND put gas in it.
My diet is going. That is all I can say about it. I bought my special supplements and have hardly used them. I'm feeling very ehh lately and not really trying though I've somehow managed to lose two pounds. Progress?
Satan's dog, also known as Mia, is ridiculous. I can honestly say I was spoiled with Lilly. She was the absolute perfect puppy. She never chewed on anything except socks (which I could handle), she was fairly easy to potty-pad train and she is the most lovable thing to walk the earth. Though she's expensive (sensitive stomach, flea allergy, possible food allergy, sensitive skin) she's worth every penny. Mia, however, is a walking flea pot that destroys anything she gets her mouth on. I love her to pieces but she just doesn't do "puppy" like Lilly did. She's a terror. She's hard to potty-pad train and she doesn't listen at all. Granted, she's only three months old, I need to start working with her so that she's easily trained by the time she's Lilly's age. But she's just so mean! You can't even love on her without her growling and biting. Lord have mercy.
In other news, I'm having my wisdom teeth cut out this Thursday. This means I have to miss two days of work and two days of classes, neither of which I'm happy about but I've gotta get it done. I'm nervous about being put to sleep to have them surgically removed but I guess if I'm supposed to die that way then I will. I'm sure everything will be ok, I've just gotta do some heavy duty praying. God'll get me through it.
So I guess there's my rant. I had a lot to catch up on and I feel better now. Time to go put in some applications mate!
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